Sierra Community Theatre shows growth in movies

SCT logoNovember marked the one year anniversary of the Sierra Community Theatre. As the theatre board reflects on the past year, members are proud of the success that has been shown through top rated movies being released in Jefferson and attendance figures for premieres.  Over the past 12 months, the theatre has shown nine first run movies and people pleasers like “Les Miserables,” “Lincoln,” “42” and “The Hobbit.”

“We have had to find a happy medium in movie titles, because Greene County has such a diverse audience and we have just one screen. Sometimes it’s a balancing act of what movies are available, when, and if we have the pull to get the crowd the studio needs,” Dustin Gustoff, theater manager said. “When we started, movies like ‘The Hobbit,’ ‘Lincoln’ and ‘Les Miserables’ were not available to the theatre at their release because we did not have attendance numbers to show the studios.  Now we are seeing studios willing to give us a chance and we are premiering movies such as ‘Twilight’ and more recently ‘Thor’ and ”Hunger Games.”

“Studios are even calling the theatre to book their new movies because they know our audiences come out for premiere nights. With such great community support, we are able to cover our costs and keep our ticket prices modest.”

The theatre board is interested in hearing feedback from the public on areas of improvement.  A survey has been developed and anyone is asked to participate anonymously.  To complete the twelve question survey go to  The link is also available from the theatre Facebook page or a hard copy can be completed in person at the theatre.  The last date to complete a survey is Dec. 20.

For more information, please see the website: or Facebook page: or call the theatre at 515-386-3176.

“See You at the Movies”

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